A procurement solution that
adds value at each stage of
the procurement cycle.

What is PROmethia360?

An online real-time procurement system that assists an organization in improving its efficiency and streamlining the end-to-end procurement process.

Main Features


Internal Request

Gain full visibility of your internal request processes.

Purchase Requisitions

Remain focused on the live tasks view


Purchase Orders (PO)

Flexible the Purchase Order creation Easy storage and retrieval of all PO

Spend Analysis

Transform data into actionable insights


Increase the speed of your invoice approval process while maintaining compliance and accuracy.



Flexible the Purchase Order creation Easy storage and retrieval of all PO

We solve big challenges with innovative ideas

Through our simplified flows and an easy-to-use user interface.

What makes us different

We provide a straightforward interface that puts the users in control. The Promethia360 system is so easy to use that you will not need a manual to navigate around the system, since it is designed to be both simple and efficient, catering to all of your business’s primary stakeholders.

Let’s Start Something new Say Hello!

Ready to help all around the world. Just put your response here. We’ll come to your contact very soon.